He is earthy and grounded
I am witty and charming
He is sensuous
I am nurturing
He is faithful
I am loyal
He is honest
I am truthful
He is proud
I am prideful
He is patient
I am pushy
He is calm
I am restless
He is demanding
I am understanding
He is firm
I am flexible
He is very good with his hands
I am very good with words
He is a provider
I am a supporter
He is physical
I am mental
He likes to joke
I like to laugh
He has common sense
I have intuition
He is strong and mighty
I am strong yet fragile
He is protective and claiming
I am submissive and caring
He is loving and tender
I am devoted and affectionate
He is sexy
I am seductive
He is Earth, I am Air
There is a emotional and spiritual connection: instant, intoxicating, sensual, securing, comforting, magnetic…pushing us, pulling us…forever rapture.