The Dress
It is the time of revitalization. It is the first season of a new renpet, and it has begun with a great flood from the Nile. The inundation of the land is vital to the rest of the renpet. All of the crops have been watered and nourished with the silt from Africa’s core. The people of the small village of Khent-Min rejoice by practicing their domestic trade of bartering their harvested foods and goods. Merchants dock their boats on the canal full of cultivated supplies from their travels at the landing quay near the temples of Khent-Min to unload and reload their boats. Tents and stands are set up for trade of supplies by merchants, fishermen, farmers, linen weavers and beer brewers to barter jewels, dry fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, breads, linen and beer. The society of the common life relies solely on its agriculture. Therefore, trade is limited making surplus small and the needs of the population easily accommodating. As the people of Khent-Min scramble through the quay to stock on supplies for the season, a small seamstress shop made of mud brick and clay is being opened by two young ladies rushing to make preparations for their expected and unexpected clients. Kepi the elder sister of the two, dainty in every sense of the word, is tidying up to make a good impression, she accidentally knocks over a basket of needles and thread while Ayira, lark, quirky and carefree, sits and laughs at her sister as she quickly retrieves the needles.
“You could actually help rather than sit there like a useless romp!”
“You are lucky that I am even here; I’d rather be out exploring the tents.”
(Picking up pieces of stray threads) “The woman coming to see us is from Waset! Do you know what that means?”
“That I get to listen to a pigheaded dignitary describe her perfect life to you and watch you drool pathetically hanging onto every little word.”
(Straightening her plain tunic dress) “There is nothing wrong with wishing for something better.”
(Picks up a sewing kit and begins working on her personal project, a headpiece) “Of course not, but you could try to appreciate what you already have.”
There is a knock at the door.
(Gasps) “That is her!” (Looks at Ayira’s project) “Put that awful thing away!”
She runs to answer the door as Ayira sticks her tongue at her behind her back. Kepi brightly smiles at the woman in the doorway. The woman is dressed in an elegant blue gown with sparkling jewels on her fingers, neck and wrists.
“Good day!”
“I believe I have an appointment with,” (looks at a piece of parchment) “Kepi.”
“That would be me, please come in.” (Steps aside so that the woman can enter)
The woman enters looking around at the inexpensive yet well put together furnishings of the shop and turns her face up in disgust. Although the shop is decorated nicely and is very clean, it is not luxurious.
“There must be a mistake. I was sent to you by one of the most renowned hairstylists in Waset. She said you made the dress her daughter wore to the Sed festival a few renpets ago.”
(Smiles with pride) “That is correct. I make many gowns, or whatever you may want. We have the best linen of Africa.”
(Swallows) “Well, I suppose I just have to take your word for it.”
(Ignoring the insult) “Shall we get started?”
She leads the woman into the back where all of her tools are located as well as Ayira who is now setting up the measuring table.
“This is my younger sister, Ayira.”
(As polite as possible) “Hello.”
The woman stares at Ayira’s awkward beauty a moment and then looks down at her and turns her head as if she is better. Ayira gives Kepi a look; letting her know that any bit of manners she was going to muster up for this woman is no longer happening.
(Clears her throat) “Would you like some tea and sweet bread?”
“Actually, yes that would be excellent.”
“Ayira, might you be a dear and get us some tea and sweet bread?”
(Fake smiles) “Of course.” (As she walks by she mumbles) “Pray that I do not poison it.”
After hours of measuring the woman’s body, drawing the pattern onto the linen and cutting out the pattern pieces to be sewn, Kepi begins to help the woman pick out color dyes. Ayira remains in the background sewing her headpiece.
(Peaking over Kepi’s shoulders at Ayira) “What is she working on over there?”
“Oh, Ayira makes headpieces as accessories. It is her hobby.” (Sorting through the dye) “What exactly is this gown for?”
(Looking away from Ayira) “The queen is throwing a ball in honor of the prince selecting a consort.”
(Surprised) “I thought the prince would have found someone by now.” (Selecting a dye) “The pink will go well with your complexion.”
“Well, I have never worn this color before.”
“I will create a design using a black dye; it will be a great eye catcher.”
“Well, I want to turn heads so all right.” Kepi begins pouring the dye into a bucket of warm water. She dips the cut pieces of linen into the bucket and hangs them to dry.
“When is this ball?”
“In several days, this is why I need this dress as soon as possible.”
“It will be ready. The dye will be dry by tomorrow and my sister is a very fast sewer. You will return in two days for your fitting.”
“How much do I owe you?”
“For the dress, the time and the labor it will cost…Twelve gold nuggets.”
(Spins her head sharply) “Twelve gold nuggets!”
Ayira peers up from her sewing.
“Absolutely, I am using the thinnest of linen and one of my rarest dyes. You want this dress in less than four days which means we cannot take any other clients for the next several days.”
“I can have a dress made by a seamstress in Waset that has a higher clientele and will charge less!”
“Very well, but consider this; will that seamstress make a dress as lovely as the one you saw on the hairstylist’s daughter at the Sed festival?”
(Cuts her eyes at Kepi) “Fine.”
“Wonderful! We will take half up front and the other half when you return for your fitting.”
The woman pays Kepi six gold nuggets and leaves.
(Approaches her sister) “Well done Kep, you completely overcharged her.” (Touches the drying fabric) “This dress is so simple.”
“And so is she.” (Laughs) “Let us lock up and do a little bit of shopping for dinner.”
The Funeral
In order to achieve a successful afterlife, the Ba, the soul has to be reunited with its Ka, the spirit. When that is accomplished the individual will continue to live in immortality in a spiritual aspect called the Akh, the effective being. The Akh-makers of the royal palace have removed the vital organs of Hamadi’s body except the heart and placed them into scared jars. They are now embalming the body using salts to remove the body’s moisture. As the body dries the funerary maids spread oils of perfume onto it, this is considered an anointment. The maids place finger and toe protectors onto the hands and feet of the body to prevent breakage. The Akh-makers then wrap the body thoroughly with thick linen sheets. The body is placed into a sarcophagus and the funerary maids place charms and amulets into the coffin for protection and luck. The body is now ready for the burial rights and passage into the afterworld.
* * *
Everyone is gathered outside of the Pharaoh Tor’s tomb. Because Hamadi’s tomb has not been completed the pharaoh has requested that his beloved son share his tomb with him where he will be safe and in familiar territory. Everyone is dressed in different colors to represent a variety of energy forces to assist in Hamadi’s transitioning. As the Akh-makers carry the sarcophagus into the tombs, Khalfani follows with the royal family behind him and the rest of the crowd following to get in where they can. Khalfani lights the candles of the tomb illuminating the ceremony and stands at the podium at the head of the tomb. Akil is holding his mother up as the queen cannot seem to pull herself together. Minrah is aiding the pharaoh while Nuri and Odjit hold hands. Mandisa and Dumisa stand behind the royal family together. Once the sarcophagus is placed parallel to the pharaoh’s empty sarcophagus Khalfani turns to everyone and begins the ceremony.
“My fellow friends and family we come together on this day to send a great man, warrior, son, brother, nephew and friend into the afterworld. The afterworld will enable him to do all that he is destined to do and someday we will all reunite with the beloved prince. At this time, I will perform the Opening of the Mouth to ensure that Hamadi can speak, walk and breathe in the afterlife so that he may function as he did amongst the living.”
The Akh-makers begin to remove the lid of the sarcophagus, one of them hands Khalfani an adze, a copper and stone blade. Khalfani leans over Hamadi’s mummified body and slits an opening at the mouth of the body. He goes back to the podium and opens the Book of the Dead to the proper spells for the ritual.
“My mouth is opened by Ptah, my mouth’s bonds are loosened by my city-god, Thoth has come fully equipped with spells, he loses the bonds of Seth from my mouth, Atum has given me my hands, and they are placed as guardians…”
As Khalfani continues through the preliminary and animation rites, Akil’s mind begins to haze and take him back to a place he had forgotten ever was. He and Hamadi are sitting together playing Senet. They cannot be more than ten and twelve of age. Hamadi is losing as always.
“I believe you are cheating.”
“I do not cheat.”
“Then why do I never win?”
“You are not focused on the game, you are focused on me.”
“Let us start over.”
Hamadi clears the board and they play again. This time Hamadi focuses on the movements of the game and realizes the variable odds. How could he have missed this for so long? In the end, Akil still wins, but Hamadi still smiles.
(Noticing Hamadi’s satisfied look) “Did you find something?”
“Indeed I did. It is not within the player but within the game that holds the movements. We play with what the game gives us, and you play well little brother.”
(Smiles) “Thank you. I can teach you.”
“No, I must play the game the way I naturally would and you must do the same.”
“Well, it is only just a game right?”
(Smirks) “I suppose.”
(Notices the thoughts in Hamadi’s eyes) “How about we sneak and raid the kitchen for custard and blueberries?”
“I will race you!”
Hamadi gets up and takes off for the kitchen. Akil stands and stares at the Senet board a moment.
(Yells in the distance) “Akil, come on!”
Akil gives the game one last look before he turns away to catch up with his brother.
The Discovery
Akil, after several experiments and studies thoroughly executed, is now in need of wisdom. He heads to the astronomers temple to seeking out the experts; a set selection of priests designated as the “keepers of time” that watch the nightly movements of the stars are required to memorize the order of the fixed stars, the movements in the constellations, the planets, the rising of the moon and sun, their setting times, and the orbits of the various celestial bodies. When movements are properly calculated, they are required to recite this information in counsel and give details about the changes taking place in the sky in any given season. As Akil enters the astronomers temple, toting a sack full of his experiment results, he replays his approach to the wise priests of the stars. It is not only inappropriate to enter the astronomers' temple unexpectedly, it is considered disrespectful to question their intelligence. The temples long corridors give Akil the impression that he is walking down his path of fate. As the corridors end, the temple opens up to a window ceiling court revealing a magnificently clear view of the sky. The court is empty, so empty Akil’s slow footsteps are almost thunderous. He continues across the court toward the back rooms where the priests reside. As he walks, he stops suddenly. The hieroglyphics on the walls describe a scene he’s never before seen; a land far beyond Kemet with rays of light shining above it. He slowly approaches the drawings as if an unseen gravitational force is pulling him to it. He stands before the amazing wall of truths that he has never known before to be, yet knows within that it is. He is so engulfed in the image he does not realize he is being watched.
“Who dares trespass?”
(Turns around toward the voice and sees no one) “Uh, I am Akil, the second prince of Kemet. I have come today seeking answers.”
“If an answer is what you seek dear boy, find a temple in Waset that represents the god that can help you. Now leave!”
“I do not wish to praise any god that may not exist.”
There is a moment of silence.
“Then what do you seek?”
“The truth.”
There is another momentary silence as the keeper of time ponders on whether or not he should assist the young man and his quest. The silence is so definite that Akil almost feels as though he should leave. Then a man, average in height and wise with age steps out of the shadows toward him. He is dressed in solid black robes, his black and gray beard full, hiding his mouth. He eyes Akil as he stops before the young prince.
“What did you say your name was again?”
“Well Akil, before knowing the truth you must understand what knowing the truth can do.” (Looks at him a moment as if looking into his soul) “Follow me.”
He leads Akil through one of the many doors in the open court. They walk down a dark narrow hallway that seems to never end. The further they go on, the narrower the hallway becomes and quickly ascends into an incline. Akil realizes they are walking upwards and can feel the burn in his legs. There are faint dripping sounds and the air becomes cooler. Now Akil understands the heavy robe that the priest is wearing. He wants to ask many questions, but feels he is supposed to remain quiet. He follows the elderly man with high confidence. There is a light ahead of them. As they get nearer, the light opens up and there is now a warm breeze. Finally, they reach the end of the tunnel and Akil can see many other priests stationed at different corners with scrolls of papyrus and kalamoi. They seem to be observing and documenting. Akil notices that each priest has a symbol on their writing hand. He steps out onto the limestone tiled platform behind the keeper of time and watches as the other priests continue their work never acknowledging Akil’s presence.
“What is this place?”
“This is Midheaven; it is the highest structure in Kemet and as close to the sky as we can get in our human form.”
Akil looks around and realizes that he is in the midair. Everything surrounding him is blue sky.
“What exactly is Midheaven?”
“Midheaven is the highest point the sun reaches during its daily cycle, the middle of the sky. Not enough credit is given to the sun and its connection to you, me and every other living organism. Our calculations of the weather, the tides and energy are all based around the sun.”
(Feeling proud of himself) “I have recently begun an experiment with two lotus plants. I put one out only during the day and the other only at night. Only the one that was set out in the day actually grew while the soil of the other remained damp.”
“The sun gives a solar force no other star in the sky can produce; a severely strong force that we have found is the source of life. Therefore, your experiment was very exact.”
“And the moon, does it hold no significance?”
“Indeed it does. The moon has its own cycle, phases rather. Its force is different, it is lunar.”
(Looks at the other priests) “What are those symbols on their hands?”
“Do you mean this?” (Pulls back a sleeve and reveals a circle symbol with a dot in the center) “They are signs that represent a star. We have found many stars over the years and we have each chosen a star to study, this is how we identify who is assigned to which star.”
(Looks up) “We are connected to them.”
(Curious) “What makes you say that?”
“It seems that as the day changes, so does the habitat of the people. We rise in the morning with the sun and fall into slumber with the moon. We show the earth respect by staying indoors if it is raining or flooding so that it may receive its proper nutrients. And we are drawn to certain things, like this place; all my life I have felt…different. Like there was something else I was supposed to be discovering or doing, like a force!” (He laughs at the irony).
“What if I told you that there was a time when man respected this universe and its entire splendor and in return the universe granted man with the beauty and blessings of nature?”
“But the beauty of nature still exists. There are many exotic plants and the Nile; it is Kemet’s greatest blessing.”
“So it seems the universe has not changed.”
“Yet man has.”
“The answer that you seek cannot be answered from how but from why.”
They both look out at the sky, it is getting darker. The blue is slowly fading into purple.
(Puts a hand on Akil’s shoulder) “My young brother, it has been a great pleasure sharing this time with you. But the day is ending and soon night will surround us and I have work to do.”
“Wait! Is this it? Am I forbidden to return to these walls again? Will I be killed if I speak of this to another?”
“I suppose if this was your father’s secret temple of stowed away riches from our sister nations that would be so, but no Akil. You are to report back when you have discovered your answer. Now, do you remember the way out?”
“Yes sir.”
“Then off you go.”
Smiling with foreknowledge, the ‘keeper of time’ watches Akil run off in buoyancy.